Mirwaners, the number
of vehicles on freeways and streets is increasing alarming rate. Aggressive driversreact foolishly towards others in several dangerous ways. Moreover, drivers are
in such a rush to get to their destinations that may become angry or impatient
with other motorists who are too slow or who are in their ways. This influx of
motor vehicles is creating hazardous conditions.
One way an
angry driver may react is to cutting off another motorists. When they are in a
rush or angry, they tend to cut off another motorists because they want to get
the destination quickly. In this situation, when other motorists see this
happening in front of them, some of them do the same thing. They drive quickly
and are not willing to get left behind. At last, they cut off other motorists
who drive slowly.
Another way
is to tailgate the other car. Tailgating other car makes the driver who being
tailgated feel not safe and angry. Following other car in long distance would
not be a big matter for who following and being followed. Unless they follow
other car in short distance, it’s absolutely dangerous for both who following
and being followed. Just imagine, what might happen if the car that being
tailgated is stop in sudden. The car behind it hit the car in front of it
In addition
to cutting off and to tailgating other cars, aggressive driver often use rude
languages or gestures to show their anger. When a driver who is being followed
by other motorists feel not safe, he/she suddenly angry with the motorists who
is following him/her. He/she tends to say something rude or bad words, such as,
“F*ck you!” and “Shit!” he/she uses this word to show that she/he is angry
with the motorists who is disturbing. Some of them also tend to show their
middle finger to motorists who disturb their ways as a sign that they are very
Although law
enforcement authorities warn motorist against aggressive driving, the number
who act out their angry impulses has not declined. It’s hard to control our
emotion when in angry and rush. All of the motorists know that driving
aggressively is not safe for themselves and other people around. But then, they
keep driving quickly and aggressively when they have to reach the destination
in quick. Moreover, when they are angry, they cannot control the way they
To conclude,
aggressive drivers are endangering everyone because they create hazardous
condition by acting and driving foolishly. They should control their anger and
learn to drive safely. After all, the lives they save could be their own.
Mirwan Choky
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