Mirwaners, not only boosts your appearance, but flat stomach and sixpack has many functions. Abdominal muscles and core muscles in general will help you do various activities, including boosting your performance during lovemaking. As a man, a strong abdominal muscle will also help you to get a strong body posture so that you will look taller than your actual size. The problem is, getting an abdominal muscle is not easy. Anyway, I will help you. Here’s how to get six pack fast.
1. Understand the shape of the abdominal muscles
Before you go to the gym to sculpt six-packs, it's good to know what your training goals are. We all have six-pack muscles, but in some abdominal muscles people have not yet developed, while in others hidden behind a layer of fat.
The abdominal muscles look like a muscle group, but in fact the abdominal muscles are sheets of muscle that are connected to the upper part of the pelvic bone to the lower part of the rib cavity. The hard connective muscle fibers separate the abdominal into eight parts, and the side part is your obliques which functions to support the abdominal muscles.
2. Perform a gradual crunch
The classic sit-up exercise - attach your legs to the bottom of the bench and lift your chest toward your knees - in general, just train your hip flexor muscles, not your stomach. It's better to crunch, move your shoulders off the floor by contracting your abdominal muscles, this movement is far more effective for training your six-pack.
Do crunch regularly and increase the load, compared to increasing the amount of repetition. Try holding the weight plate or medicine ball over your chest when you do a crunch, and keep the reps between 8-25 times.
3. Train the whole body to build abdominal muscles
It's not just crunch that you have to do - it's not a good idea if you only hold on to one abdominal exercise. You need to train your whole body, because it can increase your metabolism for a few hours after you finish training, meaning you burn more calories - even when you sleep. This is called 'afterburn'.
To get it, you need to do a large joint exercise in your training program. Exercises such as barbell squats, deadlifts, and bench presses involve large muscle groups in other parts of the body, but the exercise also employs core muscles in the center of the body that give you a six-pack.
4. Enter the abdominal training session in each of your exercises
Perform abdominal exercises at the last session of whole body exercise. This method makes the abdominal muscles not tired first when you need a strong body to complete this joint training session.
5. Don't depend on the machine
If possible, use the load and practice while standing rather than sitting on the machine. This makes your core muscles work harder during the exercise because they are required to maintain balance. Basically making your training more difficult, but the harder effort will improve the results of your training.
6. Use the full range
For example, do a crunch on a Swiss ball, this exercise exercises your abdominal muscles better than a crunch on the floor that makes your head come in contact with a flat surface. This makes your muscles trained, including the abdominal muscles. Making the abdominal muscles work harder to balance the body during exercise than when you practice on a flat and still surface like a floor or bench.
7. Pay attention to your movements
Most abdominal muscle exercises require that you pull your chest towards your hips by contracting your abdominal muscles. Usually this is a small movement, but you need to concentrate to do it right and well.
Focus on maintaining the pressure in the stomach during the exercise, rather than counting the number of reps that have been done. Keep the movement speed slow and correct, allowing momentum to take over so you get the benefits. Instead of crunching quickly just to reach hundreds of reps.
8. Abdominal exercises from various sides
Crunch trains your abdominal muscles only from above, but you also need to train them from the bottom and sides if you want the best results. To train the lower abdominal part, perform movements that make you pull your hips toward the chest, such as the reverse crunches or hanging knee raises. Side crunches will also train your obliques.
9. Don't forget to train your back
You need to exercise your back muscles to balance muscle strength. If you only train your abdominal muscles and forget your back muscles, you will be more likely to get injured. Pull-ups, pull-downs, bent-over rows and deadlifts are ideal back exercises that you can include in a weekly exercise program.
10. Add challenges
It's very common when you arrive at the threshold of success producing a six-pack, you experience boredom and stop training. It could be that your abdominal muscles stop responding to exercises that are always the same, in short the muscles become bored doing the same thing every week.
Muscles need challenges to keep them growing, so you need to renew your exercises every four or six weeks to keep training them with new stimulation. There is no reason to repeat the same exercise three times a week, so try various exercises on each training day.
11. Avoid overtraining
Ideally, increasing resistance is to add about 5% of the load and repetition every two weeks so that your muscles get stronger. Be careful with overtraining. However, do not rush when lifting weights before you are ready. Always rest for at least one day between training days so that your body recovers.
12. Do short cardio
Short and intense. Cardio training is very important because it helps you get rid of fat, but don't take too long because you believe too much if running for hours can make your stomach flat. In fact, after you run 45-60 minutes, the body starts to burn muscles, not fat anymore.
This is far from ideal if you want to get a six-pack stomach. So do short and heavy cardio sessions - either with sprints or intervals, combining short sessions of maximum effort by jogging as a recovery. Try repeating a static bike, one minute flat-out burst followed by a minute of rest. This will burn more calories and keep your muscles.
13. Keep body posture firm
Once you complete the exercise, do not forget to maintain the perfect posture and posture when undergoing activities. A small example is to keep your back straight while sitting at work or sitting on a train. This will keep your abs muscles active.
14. Balanced intake
Proper nutrition is very important. Even if you build abdominal muscles, no one will see if the muscle remains blocked by a layer of fat. Many people have to replace some body fat before the six-pack appears and if you are one of them, make sure you consume fewer calories than you burn.
Also make sure you consume 1.5-2g of pure protein per kilogram of body weight every day to help muscles improve themselves and make them grow. Eat shortly after exercise to restore energy properly - 2: 1 a mixture of fast-acting carbohydrates and protein will increase energy and provide muscle food to grow and become stronger.
15. Keep avoiding foods high in fat and over-serving
Avoid high-fat and high-calorie foods. Keep the portion of calories that enters the body. Your exercise will be in vain if you keep eating more than 2 dishes each meal.
16. Drink more water
Make sure the body is always hydrated. Water will help the metabolic process to burn calories in the body smoothly.
17. Get used to holding the abdominal muscles
Like rubber, the abdominal muscles will continue to tighten if he is used to work. Get used to pulling your abdominal muscles when you move everyday, such as when walking, sitting behind an office desk, or while driving.
So, those are the 17 Ways To Get A Six Pack Fast.
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